Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well I haven't had time to post................I'm busy packing to move.....................I'll post when the move is complete

Monday, January 22, 2007


well I have to be the first to admit that I was wrong. Chicago and Indianapolis are Super Bowl bound. Congratulations to those teams

Well the weekend came and went, with the playoffs taking center stage. Of course Michael Vick was stopped at the airport for what was believed to be marijuana. Turns out that it was a bogus report. Bill Parcells retired from the Cowboys.........and of course they blame T.O. I blame Romo for this one, way to go ButterFingers! Michael Strahan had the cops called on him, because of his lovely ex-wife wasn't home when he was dropping off the kids. However the "live-in" carpenter did answer the door. Ex spouses suck and of course the men are always made out to look bad, how about the fact that she wasn't home to get her kids? Well don't get me started on this subject. I'm too biased on this issue.

Lindsay Lohan is exactly who we thought she was! A drunk party girl that really doesn't have any talent. Her and Brittney should just give up their celebrity status, they are pathetic train wrecks and set a real bad example to those young fans that made their careers! All the money they have and they don't have a freakin clue! Go figure. Booo Hoooo, go drink another one Fire Crotch!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Some thoughts........

Well its been a few days since my last post......lets see, the Braves traded Adam LaRoche for a reliever, way to take 32 home runs out of your line up! I guess they may be rebuilding. Only time will tell if this is going to be a good trade or not, if it helps the bullpen and they get decent play from LaRoche's replacement then I would have to say its a good trade, we'll just have to wait and see.
Britany Spears was turned down by the NFL to do a Super Bowl ad for its NFL Network. I think she now knows that her reputation is badly tarnished now and she can't do anything to recover. Way to go IDIOT! your now soon to be Ex Husband is now more of a public image than you! He has a Super Bowl commercial. Love makes you do stupid things, trust me!
More NFL news, the League will not allow end of the season honors for violators of performing enhancing drug or substance abuse policies. I completely agree with that decision, why should violaters be allowed to be compensated for cheating, many have clauses in their contracts for performance bonuses, ie: Shawn Merriman...........violation for he was passed over for Defensive Player of the Year. And yes Jason Taylor did deserve the award, but Merriman certainly was the front runner.
Well thats about it, nothing major over the last four days........other than Ladainian Tomlinson's tirade about class. but that was his opinion and it wouldn't have mattered if the Chargers would have won!

Monday, January 15, 2007


Well they NFL title games are set, and of course the biggest suprise is the New Orleans Saints. They have had a great year and are really I believe the NFC's best chance to win a Super Bowl. The Bears fans are probably think that i'm crazy but hey be realistic about it. Rex Grossman just isn't cutting it as a quarterback, he's played ok at times and in their losses down right awful. I don't see how the Bears can win against the highest scoring offense left in the playoffs, I Believe the Saints have too much offense for the Bears to match. Sure the Bears defense is one of the best, but the Seahawks ran right up the middle of that defense. Deuce Mcallister and Reggie Bush should be big factors in this game. Now for the AFC, big suprise that the Patriots are in? Not really, they are a good team and just know how to win in the Playoffs. Now for the Colts, I thought that they were going to be one and done, but thats why they play the game. Peyton Manning has to play better to beat the Patriots, but he's beat Bellicheck once I think. I think its going to be the Patriots vs The Saints in the Super Bowl.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Hall of Fame

Well the votes are in and Mark Mcgwire is out of the hall of fame. I'm not suprised at all, the whole steroid scandal obviously has tainted what he has accomplished. Now I understand the whole performance enhancing drug issue, and yeah its cheating. But if Pete Rose can't get in because of gambling, then why should a steroid users get in? Illegal is illegal and whether its gambling or drugs then you should be shut out. Ty Cobb is in and he was no saint, I mean lets be honest he was a racist and many players claimed to never have liked the man. But he was never accused of cheating. Of course the argument is going to be made that its different eras but the game hasn't changed throughout history, its still 9 innings, 3 outs per 1/2 inning and there are no ties. Now the Barry Bonds debate is included in this whole dilemma just because the sports writers wouldn't have it any other way. And most sports writers never even stepped on a baseball diamond other than playing in little league. Now I'm sure any who reads this wants to know what makes me a critic, well I played in college and I was a pitcher. True college baseball and Major League Baseball is two different leagues, but you do notice how someone who is on enhancing drugs no matter what. Well thats all I have to say so far about this subject and I'm sure there will be more.......Remember pitchers do everything a fielder does....the only difference.........we PITCH!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

BCS..........Playoff in the Future???

Well I guess there are no experts when it comes to College Football. Ohio State was supposed to be the hands down favorite and Florida was going to be lucky just to keep it close. From the opening kickoff it seemed that Ohio State was going to be as good as advertised. Florida never looked back after they came back and scored on their first possesion. So here is my problem, why is it that all these experts want to use the layoff as a crutch for Ohio State? Florida was just the better team and that's it, but then again who doesn't make an excuse when their team doesn't win? So is it now time for a playoff??? As I see it this was the best matchups that the BCS has put together in a while, sorry Michigan fans you blew your chance to be in the title game, USC your sitting right next to the Wolverines. Is a playoff realistic? I believe that its going to be a far fetched idea and they will never implement a playoff system that will make everyone happy.....................But hey in a playoff system can Cinderella win a National Title? Dare I say Boise State could have, we may never know......The BCS is for the supposed power house conferences..............ask Oklahoma if it matters what conference your opponent is from?

Monday, January 8, 2007


Ok as you may know by now Dallas lost. I was asked what I thought of Romo? Hmmm......I think that he should spend more time trying to get better instead of being Mr. Underwood. Yeah he had a great run, but when it counted he didn't produce, from the debacle against Detroit to the terrible performance against the Eagles and Seahawks. Now everyone wants to say T.O is a distraction? He doesn't have American Idol singers running around Texas Stadium, nor are they compairing him to Hall of Famers after 4 NFL starts. Bill Parcells knew that this would happen and he told the media, and now Romo is going to the Pro Bowl?? Well I can tell you one thing I hope isn't the holder on extra points or field goals. Now Romo can get back to reality and realize that he has work to do and get better, but still he's no Troy Aikmen! As for next year, Jerry Jones buy a pass rush please!!!! This just in, Babe Ruth had a candy bar named after him..........Romo=Butterfinger.............!!!

Friday, January 5, 2007

You tell me

Well nothing new to rant about today, so you tell me what's on your mind and what your tired of, I would love to get a topic and run with it. So just pick a topic and lets see what we can talk about

Thursday, January 4, 2007

just some thoughts

I pose a question to all Braves fans! Who would you rather see traded Chipper Jones or Andruw Jones?? Well if you ask me, you don't trade the franchise player that Andruw is. Chipper is in the twillight of his career and I think that keeping Andruw has more upside. The pitching staff is getting older and who knows what the deal is with Mike Hampton? Chipper has done some great things for the orginization, don't get me wrong, but hey why trade a 28 year old when you have an aging 3rd baseman? And they aren't doing much as far as free agency goes, but hey money is always an issue unless your the Evil Empire that is they Yankees, but hey they can keep spending money to lose the World Series, that's ok with me. Anyway you look at it the Braves have to make a move, lets hope that its a good one!

2006 in review

Well needless to say that this is my first posting and of course its gonna be about this past year, 2 days ago a friend of mine suggested to me to start a blog, I figured why not. First of all let me start by saying that like everyone else I am tired of hearing about the triple skanks! Thats right, Britnany, Paris, and Lindsay. I mean is it really news that some trailer park trash girl isn't wearing underwear! And who cares who paris is making a video with now. Lindsay well she is just someone that wants you to look at me i'm sooo grown up then when they do, its like why are you talking about me, and why can't I live my life? Well thats because like the other two.....your skanky and stupid! But hey that's just my opinion. And to the future Mrs. Federline.......with all that money use it to buy a freakin clue! Your not going to win mother of the year awards and from what I hear your new album is going to suck balls, what a coincidence you and Paris really do have something in common! Now I'm not going to talk about politics, too controversial of a topic, so my main focus is everday bullshit and what is usually talked about......why, its just more damn entertaining than to get in to the whole patriotism issue, hey to each their own...this is just my don't have to agree with this indian........who is a cowboys fan! you like that don't you